Real Life 101: Socialism Sucks

This is the first in a series of essays intended to free younger minds from the leftist crap they have been fed in school. The American educational system is a cult from which our students must be deprogrammed.

TRIGGER WARNING: Presumably you learned to read in between naps in your safe space, where you were protected from the Scary Ideas of racist right-wing multi-phobes. If so, my words may cause you “literally” to shake with fear and rage.

Don’t be alarmed, though: this is merely a symptom of withdrawal from an addiction. If you went to school in the US, especially to a public school, you are probably addicted to the toxic stupidity of progressivism. Think of this as a 12-step program to help you recover.

Today’s essay is about socialism. By “socialism” I mean an economic arrangement in which the government is in charge of most activity, directly or indirectly. The opposite of socialism is “free-market capitalism” where government has a much less important & intrusive role.

Here’s the bottom line: capitalism produces much better economic results than socialism. If you want to improve your standard of living, no matter how poor you are, live under capitalism. The score in the Game of Competing Economic Theories is: Capitalism, 1 Zillion- Socialism, Zero.

Said another way, there are precisely 0.00 instances in which socialism has been better for humans than capitalism, other than for Stalin and Castro and Mao and their ilk. It is true that espousing socialism has helped many politicians and university professors to make a good living, but that good life is still only possible as a result of living under capitalism. Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, for example, despite his disdain for free enterprise (maybe he thinks he’d have 6 houses under socialism, because he’d be one of the ilk-guys who make out like bandits.)

Under socialism, there is less economic inequality, but only because everybody has similarly crappy lives. A constant complaint against capitalism is that some people get really rich, while others are poor by comparison. But those poor people are still better off economically than just about everyone under socialism.

A unicorn is a mythical beast, and so is a socialist system that makes everyone happy and equal and safe and sheltered and fed. Passing a law that says “There shall be unicorns” will not result in actual unicorns coming to life. Laws that say “to each according to one’s needs, from each according to one’s abilities” are equally futile. Socialists keep decreeing unicorns and keep producing weak, smelly donkeys with a fake horn tied to their flea-bitten heads.

Socialism doesn’t work because it is contrary to human nature. Humans want to take care of themselves and those they love. If their little girl is hungry, they will find a way to feed her, versus patting her on the head and telling her that they are voting for a law that entitles her to eat just as well as everyone else (socialism has crappy food, by the way.)

Capitalism gets the best out of our flawed human nature, through something that’s called “enlightened self-interest.” The heart of capitalism is freedom: freedom to choose, to innovate, to build, to grow; sometimes to fail and to have to start over. The fruits of these freedoms have brought humanity widely-shared affluence that was unimaginable even a century ago.

Capitalism is not perfect, of course, which is why socialists are always trying to destroy it. As they sit in the faculty lounge, surrounded by the astonishing comforts and capabilities that have all been made possible by capitalism, they explain why biting the hand that has fed them is the virtuous way forward. They insist on trying to turn the powerful horses of capitalism into unicorns, by any means necessary.

You. might ask, if it is so empirically obvious that capitalism produces much better economic outcomes than does socialism, why are so many people infatuated with socialism? Oddly, it’s because capitalism has been so successful. People have leisure time to show off how virtuous they are by proposing that we should tear down something that works in order to implement something that sounds noble but does not work.

In other words, many people are morons. Unfortunately there is a Moron Majority in our educational establishment, and PhDs in “Unicorn Studies” are issued in ever-growing numbers.

So for you recovering progressives, from now on when Bernie Sanders or AOC start to babble about the benefits of socialism, simply substitute the word “unicorn” into their sentences, and see how silly it sounds:

“Everyone should have free education for themselves and their unicorn.”

“Minimum wages should be set so that every family can feed themselves and their unicorn.”

“Everyone should have the same number of unicorns.”

If you care about the poor – which is a good and noble thing to do – then help them learn to benefit from capitalism. It’s the only thing that works and it is why humanity is far better off today than it has ever been in all of recorded history. (Oh, and ask your professor why that fact never came up during your Attitudinal Studies seminars.)

Stupid is as Stupid Does…

We live in an age of unfathomable stupidity.

We Trump supporters are supposed to be the stupid ones. After all, none of us have Ph.Ds in Intersectional Oppressiveness Studies; and more to the point, we think those who do have such degrees are useless excrescences (“Useless Excrescences” is a great name for a band.)

So I merely ask, which is more stupid:

Wearing a red hat with “MAGA” on it?

Wearing a hat shaped like female genitalia, “because Trump” or something?

On the stupid scale, which wins out:

Voting for a bombastic celebrity businessman who accomplished a great deal as President, even in the face of the COVID crisis and the full-scale opposition of the establishment?

Voting for a career grifter/politician who even at his best was a mediocrity, and who is now a doddering fool?

Whose view of Kamala Harris is more stupid:

someone who notes that she is a sleazily opportunistic left-winger whose voting record is more radical than Bernie Sanders?

the entire mainstream media, desperate to portray her as a “pragmatic moderate centrist”?

Which approach is more likely to better the lives of people of color, unless you are profoundly stupid:

Punishing those (thankfully few) police officers who commit crimes in the commission of their duties?

Eliminating police departments so that criminals can run rampant, especially in the poor neighborhoods that are most vulnerable?

How stupid do you think we are? The Obama Administration brazenly spied on Trump before he was elected, and its ideological holdovers staged a near-coup over the first 3 years of the Administration, greatly facilitated by willing dupes/ accomplices in the media. Obamagate is 100 times as severe as Watergate – do you think we are going to let that get swept into the memory hole by a Biden Administration?

Who is stupid about history? Those who look at the phenomenal track record of capitalism and understand its power for good? Or those who yearn for perfection delivered through socialism, despite its having failed wherever deployed?

President Trump has one amazing super-power: he brings out the stupid worst in his opponents. They boil over in hate-filled frenzies of stupidity; stupid words spill from their mouths and keyboards as they sputter with rage. They know the smart thing to do is to hide their hatred and their plans for perpetual left-wing domination until after the election, but the President knows how to get them to reveal the demons of stupidity that are seething within.

So don’t be stupid: re-elect President Trump. And if you happen to be working remotely on your Intersectional Oppressiveness Studies PhD thesis, hang it up and learn plumbing. It’s useful, remunerative, and you’ll hang out with much nicer and more sensible people than you’ll meet in faculty lounges.

Say it ain’t so…

So now they’ve come for baseball – the sport I have loved since I was 4 years old. I feel like the kid who watched his hero Shoeless Joe Jackson plead guilty to fixing the World Series: “Say it ain’t so, Joe!”

It had been a longstanding tradition at baseball games to stand for the national anthem before the game. Today, because the leaders of Major League Baseball are cowards and fools, this tradition is no more.

Now players all kneel during the anthem, with the approval of their management. Make no mistake: their purpose is to convey the message that America is not worth standing up for. It is ridiculous to pretend that this is about “solidarity with anti-racism” and other such weaselly slogans. 

This is not a question of free speech. Every one of those players has the right to speak as an individual on his own time, outside the stadium. They are rich and famous and can readily express their views – however fatuous – via social media and a sympathetic press. 

The crux of the matter is this:  when the New York Yankees kneel before the flag during the national anthem, they are expressing brazen contempt for the United States, both as individuals and as an organization. They are making a corporate statement that those who do not share their disdain are not welcome as fans. If we then choose to buy tickets or watch a game on TV, we are choosing to support their disrespect.

One can acknowledge that racial injustice exists and should be remedied, and still stand proudly for the flag and anthem. By contrast, kneeling says that America is rotten to its core with racism. That statement is unverifiable and unfalsifiable, and therefore useless as a diagnostic.

But those who say it don’t want to be useful. They don’t want to correct our remaining flaws, but to destroy America as we know it and to rebuild it on their own terms. Unsurprisingly, those terms will not include multi-millionaire athletes and team owners being allowed to live in luxury; but “useful idiots” always hope that genuflecting to the desires of the Jacobin mob will protect them in the end.

So farewell, Yankees; Major League Baseball, farewell. You’ve destroyed well over a century of harmony with your fellow Americans in order to curry short-term favor with “woke” people who despise you and everything you used to represent.

Thank God I can still play catch with my grandson. In between the pop of the ball in the leather mitt – the rhythm track of my childhood – I can tell him of the golden years past when loving baseball and loving America were somehow, magically, one and the same.

Cancel THIS…

In this column I will explain the point of view that most of us (“Normals”) hold on certain topics. I will contrast it with what progressive leftists (“Crazies”) believe.

It’s important to understand that the Crazies do not accept that you have the right even to hold – far less to express –  these Normal views. What they believe is true, and disagreement makes them feel “unsafe.” They will seek to “cancel” you by any means necessary, including violence if they can get away with it.

Please realize that I am not exaggerating when I explain what the “Crazies” think, and what they will do to ensure their views reign unchallenged. These views infect academia at all levels; underly the reporting “narratives” in most media organizations; are deployed by big tech companies to steer their censorship; and have even spread to many corporate settings.

Don’t underestimate the extent of their hatred for you, and the ends to which they will go not just to keep you silent but to force you to submit to the “truth” (i.e. their beliefs). Here goes:


NORMALS: America is a great place that has done a lot of good in the world. It has made mistakes but has always tried to remedy them – our system allows for that. It’s the freest and fairest country on earth and deserves to be loved by its proud citizens. Being patriotic is an uplifting and sincere emotion.

CRAZIES: America is the epitome of evil and has been since its start. It is irredeemable, and so must be destroyed and rebuilt in a way that will provide Social Justice for everyone except for racist haters (i.e. Trump voters). Being patriotic is a sign of stupidity, racism and other phobias.


NORMALS: Slavery has left scars on our country that have taken many years to heal. Thankfully by this point actual racists are few and far between – that’s one reason there are so many fake hate crimes. Most of us seem to get along OK and year by year race seems to be less of an issue in our society (even though you couldn’t tell that from all the fuss). Of course the lives of black people matter- we are all children of God together.

CRAZIES: America was founded for the purpose of enslaving black people and slavery has never really ended. Racism is everywhere, except among people of color who cannot be racists even if they actively hate people for being white. Every American institution is structured to promote white supremacy, and white people who do not think they are racist only prove how racist they are. 


NORMALS: Being gay seems unusual, but tolerable; though we wish gay people would not make a public spectacle out of themselves in the name of “pride.” The transgender thing is even weirder: it’s silly to think that you can just become a woman or man by saying you “identify” that way. However, we wish them no harm – frankly, being transgender seems mostly sad. In any event, though, trying to foist the LBGTQ+ sexual agenda on young children is unacceptable, especially when it involves forcing choices on children that they are not ready to make.

CRAZIES: LBGTQ+ people are the most authentic kind of people (especially if they are people of color) and everyone should celebrate them lavishly no matter how bizarrely they may act. They should have unfettered access to young children for the purpose of proselytization and sexualization. People who don’t agree with every tenet of LBGTQ+ ideology are “phobes” who deserve nothing but hatred and pain.


NORMALS: People should be able to say what they think as long as they don’t advocate violence or other serious crimes. The point of “free speech” is that it should protect everyone’s speech, not just those we agree with. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me…” is as true as ever.

CRAZIES: There is no such thing as “free speech” – it’s all a ruse used by the powerful to oppress others. “Hate speech” is any speech that we find hateful. Speech itself can be “violent” if it makes someone feel unsafe, and feeling safe is more important than the notion that everyone’s opinion should be heard. People who think things that we do not approve of – or who do not think things that we do approve of – are dangerous haters, and any means necessary to ruin their hate-filled lives are justified.


NORMALS: The climate alarmists have made a lot of doomsday noises based on “the science being settled” for decades now, but their models have not been anywhere near accurate compared to actual results. Clearly climate is a lot more complicated than those models suggest that it is. That’s why we don’t trust those who suggest that we shut down everything that makes our civilization civilized in the interest of lowering our carbon footprints. It is good to take care of our planet but we have to be reasonable about how we do so.

CRAZIES: We are all doomed because stupid people (i.e. Trump voters) can’t accept the clear scientific evidence that our world is turning into a ball of fire. We must give immense power to elites to fix this since we can’t trust citizens to act in their own best interest.


NORMALS: Donald Trump is a celebrity and like most celebrities can be vain and peevish. He certainly loves attention – but he also loves America and wants every American citizen to live happily. He is proud of our country and goes to bat for it against other countries that do not have our best interests at heart. He may say a lot of over-the-top stuff, but when it comes to getting things done he has made steady progress on conservative priorities such as the economy, judges, deregulations, etc. This has been done despite unrelenting attacks and actual criminal sabotage from the media and the corporate and governmental establishment, who see him as a mortal threat to their longstanding grasp on power.

CRAZIES: Donald Trump is a racist hater put into office illicitly by his legions of deplorable racist haters. Anything that can get him out of office is morally acceptable, including assassination. Once he is out, by any means necessary, the system must be changed so that no one like him (i.e. a Republican) can ever become President again.

I am confident that if most Americans had to choose between one of the two paragraphs above as representing their views on these issues, about 80+% would be more inclined to choose the “Normals” paragraph versus the “Crazies.” Yet people are attacked and lives destroyed every day for expressing “Normal” thoughts. 

Why do we allow this group of modern-day Jacobins (the earliest “Crazies” of history) to run our educational system, infect our institutions, and dominate our media? If President Trump is not re-elected, it may be too late to stop them. Stand up and speak – then get out and vote!

Mainstream media messaging

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times…but if you watch CNN and their ilk, it is the worst of times and always will be – until the Second Coming, that is.

No, not THAT Second Coming, but something even more glorious: the return of the Obama Administration in the personage of the strange and almost certainly demented Joe Biden.

The press corps has grown weary reminding everyone how horrible everything is. They long for another vacation like the one they enjoyed from January 2009 to January 2017. (The job was just so easy when the sainted President Obama was running the only scandal-free Administration in history!) It’s exhausting to have to display righteous contempt at every turn, and to use every tendentious question, misleading video clip, and deliberate misquotation to make President Trump look bad.

Until a few weeks ago, we were all going to die of the coronavirus because of the Hater-in-Chief’s failure to keep us all from dying. Then, suddenly, the coronavirus was no longer a concern because Systemic Racism became even more dangerous.

Systemic Racism has been the dominant force in America since 1619, and it will not go away unless most white people die – preferably after first changing their wills to read “give all my stuff to black people”. If the surviving white people confess their guilt and grovel their way to the back of the Good People bus, they may be allowed to live (unless the coronavirus comes back to get them, which is what they deserve anyway).

People who do not agree that Systemic Racism explains everything bad that happens to a black person in America are white supremacists, i.e. Bad People. Bad People’s thoughts are Hate Thoughts which must never be allowed to come out as Hate Speech.

Hate Speech from Bad People is violence because Good People feel uneasy when they hear it. However, it is not violent to destroy property, steal goods, burn police stations, and deface churches because there has been Systemic Racism since 1619.

And if Systemic Racism seems to be losing its appeal due to public impatience with peaceful protests that just happen to involve looting, burning, shooting black children, and so on, there’s always a resurgent coronavirus caseload to lead with, especially if it is happening in states run by Republicans

So that’s the narrative for the week, folks. Check out any CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC, the NY Times, or the Washington Post: you won’t find a headline or a story that doesn’t align with the themes outlined above. Democrats don’t even have to distribute their talking points anymore – their media allies are so deeply imbued with the same worldview that they’ll follow the party line of their own volition.

The Case for Trump

We should and must re-elect Donald Trump as President of the United States in November.

He must be re-elected first because he has governed well in his first term; and second because the Democrats, if they regain the Presidency, will re-establish their power in a way that protects it from being overturned by future elections.

Under President Trump, the country has seen a revival of the spirit of capitalism, with amazing results in terms of growth and employment. He has rebuilt the judiciary with serious people who are faithful to the Constitution. He has reversed the decades-long trend toward ever more intrusive control by unelected agencies. He has re-established American power internationally by confronting our enemies, bolstering our security and that of our allies.

Besides the rising economy that has lifted all boats, our society is more free and more fair and more open to people of every stripe than ever before. Screeches of “hate crimes” inspired by racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. have gained no traction because there simply is no material evidence of any such “isms” in actual practice: in fact, such evidence often has to be manufactured (a la Jussie Smollett) because it is in short supply.

We now face the coronavirus crisis, and the President has marshaled the incredible power of our private sector to respond. The bureaucracies which should have been ready to handle this were not, and the President had to overcome this handicap, which he did within weeks. He should be more willing to admit this lack of preparedness, which did not originate with him; but such admissions would never be received by those who loathe him as anything but ammunition to bolster their absurd accusations of “blood on his hands.” The disproportionate derangement of his enemies provides cover for the President’s personal foibles.

In sum, the Trump Administration has been very good for this country, and would continue this in a second term.

So what if the Democrats win? Look what happened with the last administration. They used the intelligence functions of government over the course of years to conduct illegal surveillance of their political foes. They staged a near-coup which came close to succeeding with the phony Russia probe, and they have yet to pay a price for this.

If Democrats win this time, they will make it certain that there can never be another Trump. They will change voting rules so that they can harvest as many ballots as are necessary to win. They will overturn the electoral college so that their dominance in large population centers will ensure permanent majority. They will control speech on the Internet so that opposing points of view are silenced. They will act immediately to ensure that the criminal acts of the Obama Administration and its media allies, now finally being brought to light, are forever hidden.

There is no question that Donald Trump must be re-elected.

How will this movie end?

We are just beginning to learn about the biggest political scandal in our history. The question is whether we will ever learn the whole story, or whether the corrupt and powerful forces that are behind the scandal can succeed in smothering it.

Here’s the scandal: for many years the Obama Administration made illegal use of the National Security Agency’s ability to track pretty much everything about everyone: our phone calls, emails, texts, internet usage, GPS locations, and so on. President Obama and his senior team (“They”, as I shall refer to them and their accomplices) were all aware to varying degrees.

It is not surprising that President Obama and his Administration took this path. After all, his commitment to Alinskyan radicalism was always there to be seen. Confident that his worldview was righteous, he knew that all actions in furtherance of that worldview were therefore justified. Opposition was by definition evil, so any steps taken to weaken it were proper. For others in the scheme not as ideologically driven as Obama and his acolytes, continued access to power and prestige and money were motivation enough.

It all began after the 2010 elections, when the Tea Party took back the House of Representatives. Shocked that their grip on power could be loosened, They began to consider how to prevent further such surprises. The use of the IRS to target conservative political organizations was an early and successful test of how government power could be used for political advantage. They moved on to use the NSA database throughout Obama’s second term to spy on unfriendly journalists, Republicans, and anyone else of importance who opposed the Administration.

In advance of the 2016 elections, now accustomed to the power of wielding such data, They ramped up political espionage, with particular focus on Trump and Cruz. It was important to ensure that Democrats retained the Presidency not just to continue the “fundamental transformation of America” promised by Obama, but to ensure that the systematic abuse of the NSA database never came to light.

This exploitation of the NSA database began to be hinted at in April 2016, after Admiral Mike Rogers, NSA director, cut off access following an audit that showed that 85% of queries were improper. Scrambling to respond, They created the Crossfire Hurricane investigation to create the retroactive justification that they were surveilling Trump campaign collusion with Russians.

This was complicated by the fact that during this same period, They had to find a way to exonerate Hillary Clinton, despite prima facie evidence of her grossly negligent handling of confidential information and her obstruction of the resulting investigation. By clearing Hillary, They could smooth her path to election, after which none of this would matter to anyone in power.

A second complication was the Mueller investigation, launched in full knowledge that there was no evidence to find regarding Trump/Russian collusion. Mueller staffed his effort as an obstruction-of-justice trap designed to take advantage of President Trump’s volatile temperament. It dragged on for two years, intentionally generating as many flagrant provocations of Trump as possible (e.g. dawn raids by armed agents, coordinated in advance with CNN) in the hope that he would fire Mueller and set off a firestorm (and related smokescreen) of impeachment fervor.

It’s telling to see how sloppy the cover-up was: it makes it clear that They were all sure that their subterfuge would never be challenged. For example, the Clinton email investigation was laughably unserious: the FBI granted immunity to key participants without any concomitant benefit in terms of information, allowed destruction of evidence with no consequences, failed to take physical control of key hardware such as the DNC server, and so on. All of this passed without comment in the mainstream media: the only awkwardness resulted from the FBI’s public statements of their conclusions, which Jim Comey bungled on two occasions. (Perhaps deep down he knew what a corrupt actor he had become, and wanted to find redemption – or more likely, he is an inept villain.)

In the same vein, the Steele dossier and the Carter Page FISA process were so obviously tainted with malicious intent that they could only have been the product of a hurried, less than serious attempt to create a cover story. The clumsy and repeated misrepresentations identified by the IG can only be understood in the context of complacency regarding the certainty of Clinton’s election. While they had to create something in the nature of an “insurance policy” (as it was termed by Peter Strzok of the FBI) but it was never taken too seriously until after the election, when panic ensued and the seeds of the Mueller investigation were planted.

The scale of this scandal is only just beginning to emerge. The recent IG report was an important confirmation of the conspiratorial nature of the anti-Trump forces: anyone who reads it fair-mindedly should be shocked at what it revealed. That report follows on years of heroic investigative persistence by non-mainstream journalists such as Sara Carter and by Congressman Devin Nunes, all of which has given us much more than a glimmer of the truth of the scale of this scandal. (In particular, Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse has done phenomenal work “connecting the dots” on this issue).

Still, though, we are a long way from the whole truth being generally understood and acknowledged. If a tree falls in the forest, but the NY Times and the Washington Post and ABC and CBS and NBC and CNN don’t cover it – in fact if they say that anyone suggesting that such a tree even existed is a conspiracy theorist – what does it matter that frenzied right-wingers insist that the tree has fallen? If roles were reversed and Republicans had improperly used NSA data to spy on Democrats, is there any doubt that the mainstream press would be frothing with excitement, and covering this with passion and outrage?

There remains some hope that the Department of Justice will live up to its name and will bring these perpetrators to trial. Until that happens, though, we must hope that the security details for Attorney General Barr and US Attorney Durham are on their toes: they must certainly be aware of the threat that the continuing criminal investigation poses to very powerful people in government, business, and the media, so many of whom will be seriously damaged if this comes into the full light of day.

So the question is: will the good guys win at the end of this movie? Will the mainstream media – now almost literally indistinguishable from the Deep State and the Democratic Party – ever be willing to acknowledge that their heroes in the Obama Administration were immensely corrupt? Will Big Tech – Facebook, Twitter, Google – refrain from algorithmically wiping out references to this scandal in the name of policing the “truth”?

For our country’s sake, I hope so.

Compared with what?

Those of us who opposed Barack Obama did so because we listened to what he said. He wanted to bring about “the fundamental transformation of America.”

One does not seek to “fundamentally transform” that which is already considered good. When I married my wife, it was not with the hope of “fundamentally transforming” her: I was deeply in love (and nearly 40 years of marriage later, am even more so) with who she is. (I can’t speak for the success of her own hopes with respect to transforming me, but she is a patient soul).

So President Obama was making it clear that America needed a lot more than a few healthy adjustments to be worthy of his admiration. This sentiment was echoed in Michelle Obama’s statement that the first time she was proud of America (despite her Princeton and Harvard Law education, and her well-paid sinecure at a Chicago hospital) was when it started to vote for her husband.

The Obamas’ contempt for America was generally well-masked by themselves and their obsequious media acolytes, since it was then presumed – way back in 2008 – that most American voters would not support a candidate who so clearly disliked the country that he sought to lead.

That was over a decade ago, and how things have changed! The current pack of Democratic candidates propose “fundamental transformations” to our nation with no attempt to disguise their contempt for the America of 2019.

They want socialized health insurance without private alternatives; they want to tax the rich out of existence; they want to redirect the entire economy to addressing the elusive terrors of the climate-change “crisis”; they want to take away firearms from law-abiding gun owners; they want to open our borders to any and all comers; and they want to eliminate the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, and control speech, all to ensure that a Trump-like election surprise could never happen again.

They portray Americans who do not support them as hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, science-denying fascists (when they campaign in blue state); or as ignorant, uninformed, misled simpletons (when they campaign in swing states).

The essential message of the progressive Democrats, with their Zinnified portrayal of our history, is “America sucks now and always has.”

My reply to that message is “Compared with what?”

We are prosperous, free, fair, and friendly to a degree far more than at any other time; and more so than just about anywhere else. These assertions are objectively true and provable, and accepting them does not prevent us from seeking further improvement.

But why would we want “fundamental transformations” to what has brought us to such a good place? Compared with the reality of history, we are damned fortunate to be Americans at the close of the second decade of the twenty-first century.

Of course we do need some changes if we are to hold onto our blessings. Our educational system is so rife with political indoctrination that if our children learn anything useful, it is spite of the system and not because of it. Our incestuous political/media complex attracts ideologues and hacks versus true public servants, and as a result our national indebtedness looms above us like an impending financial avalanche. Our social discourse is conducted on platforms provided by young tyrants who seek ever more openly to promote only those “truths” that meet their leftist worldview, and to stamp out badthink from the right.

Nonetheless, I think President Trump will win re-election in 2020, because voters will consider him, tweets and warts and all, and ask the question I posed above: compared with what? Compared with the contempt of progressive Democrats who see nothing worthy of admiration in America (beyond themselves)? Compared with the the fervor of Maoist SJWs prowling social media, seeking heretics to burn at the Twitter stake? Compared with the deceit of once-trusted “mainstream” media now flagrantly serving as the Ministry of (Leftist) Truth?

America is a wonderful nation – though of course not always and not for everyone – because it holds itself to the highest standards. May that never change – but may those standards be measured against reality, and not against the fevered totalitarian dreams of the progressive Democrats.

Democratic Derangement Syndrome (DDS)

DDS is a serious sickness that poses a real danger to our civic health. Unfortunately those who suffer from it seem unaware of its profound and damaging effects.

It seems to start with a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). The primary symptom of TDS is the inability to see Donald Trump as anything but the literal personification of evil. He is not a duly-elected President who, however imperfect as a human being, represents a broad swathe of public opinion; instead he is a seething mass of “isms” and “phobias” who could only have come to power through devious and illegitimate means.

While TDS is harmful in its own right, it inevitably leads to the even more dangerous DDS, by this inexorable logic: if Trump is evil incarnate, what must the people who support him be? So when people wear hats with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, they are not simply advocating a return to less-regulated free-market capitalism and more-controlled immigration – they are signaling that they revel in the sins of their evil overlord, Donald Trump.

When fighting the forces of Hell, anything goes. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the DDS point of view is to substitute “Satan” for “Trump” in describing the various symptoms of the illness:

  • The mainstream media, 95% of whom are chronic DDS victims, are willing openly to slant their coverage in any way necessary to bring President Satan into disrepute, with the goal of eventual removal from office through impeachment. There are countless examples of this brazen unfairness, which are not only accepted as necessary but now even rewarded with previously-respectable prizes such as the Pulitzer.
  • The same media, motivated by the same righteous goals, are willing to overlook the clear and burgeoning evidence that a cabal of Obama officials illegally used the powers of office to sabotage Satan’s campaign and eventual Administration, and to cover up the clear evidence of wrongdoing by the chosen successor to Obama, Hillary the Virtuous (because of course if Trump is Satan, it follows that Hillary was on the side of the angels).
  • Democratic politicians proudly declare themselves to be the “Resistance” as they seek to block Satan’s every move, even those that Americans in both parties seem to want to be addressed (immigration reform; protection of the unborn after viability; tax reductions to support economic growth, etc).
  • Having been defeated according to the rules, Democrats want to change those rules by packing the Supreme Court, getting rid of the Electoral College, and “reforming” campaign finance and voting regulations to lock in Democratic majorities. By definition, any system that led to Satan’s inauguration as President is deeply flawed.
  • Since Satan is full of hate, his minions must therefore be committing “hate crimes” that reflect their sordid sensibilities and their master’s wishes. Since actual such crimes are in short very supply, they should be invented where necessary to illustrate the “moral truth” of Satan’s hatefulness.
  • Followers of the Evil One must be rebuked every day in every way, including in public places where they dare to appear with their families, and their hate-filled opinions should not be treated as though they have any claim to legitimacy

Sufferers from DDS – who express their loathing of Satan and his minions at every turn in both word and action – are fond of accusing them of being “hateful” and “divisive” people who incite violence  by “demonizing” their opponents. DDS sufferers are entirely unaware of this irony, since the illness seems to suppress any sense of self-awareness.

Those infected with DDS seem willing to do whatever it takes, including extralegal measures, to bring down Satan. Put like that, who can blame them – but where does this end? President Trump is not Satan, and those who support him are not evil minions, and we will not tolerate this campaign of hatred by deranged progressives when it begins to verge into dangerous territory. 

Do you know how we see you?

Do you know how we see you?

We see you celebrating every merciless step toward an unlimited “right” to kill unborn children up until the moment of birth.

We see you justifying this merciless law with cant phrases, such as the “freedom to choose.” (As though butchering a child who could otherwise live outside the womb is in the realm of “choice”?  And do not protest the term “butchery”: it is a far more apposite way to describe what happens during a late-term abortion than those you use, such as “terminating a pregnancy.”)

We see you seeking to own the unilateral power over life and death. We see you seeking to be judge, jury, and executioner (the latter, quite literally). We see that for you, the unborn child is not a human person unless you say it is: we see that in your minds the very same helpless being can be either cherished, or slaughtered, at your discretion. We see that you call this the “empowerment of women.”

Do you see yourselves now as we see you? Do you see why we are aghast at what you seek, and disgusted by the mendacious means you use to obtain it? Do you see why we are baffled that in all your chilling cheerleading for the right to inflict death at will, you never speak of the child within you, as though he or she does not exist?

Please, please, please let us stop this march toward barbarity, this suicidal slide toward infanticide. Let us all work together to avoid unwanted pregnancies; and if those pregnancies do occur, let us do all we can to mitigate their difficulties and to care for mother and child before and after birth with respect and love.

But we despair of this appeal, because we see the hard gleam of fanaticism in your eyes, as you eagerly await the right to sacrifice ever-more unborn children upon your corpse-cold altar of “choice.”

If we saw even a few tears of sorrow amidst that triumphant gleam, there might be hope – but we see only your repellent joy in being closer to wielding the untrammeled power to inflict death on the least among us.

Do you understand us now? For we have seen enough to understand you.